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iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of the Permanent Information Center on the Referendum and the Elections
03/06/2021 11:35:41

iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of the Permanent Information Center on the Referendum and the Elections
June 1st Pradel Henriquez the Minister of Communication assisted by Mathias Pierre the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of electoral issues and relations with political parties and Guy François, the Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of Citizenship and Patriotism has launched virtually at the Ritz Kinam II hotel in Pétion Ville, the Permanent Information Center on the Referendum and the Elections (CIPRÉ).

This new political communication body must ensure the pooling of the actions of the Government relating to the new Constitution and attract the support of the Haitian population by organizing numerous exchange activities in the coming days.

In his speech, Minister Enriquez declared "the current Constitution has caused a lot of psychological, socio-cultural and political damage to the Haitian Nation, because of the confused interpretations, of wanted doubts, the native and perverse restrictions governing it [...] Since 1987, all political and social trends have understood the need to adapt the new constitution to post-globalization realities. Unfortunately, there are hesitations on the part of all the actors concerned and those resistant to change. The participatory, active and effective integration of the diaspora, youth and women is manifest in the new Haitian Constitution," concluding "It is time to offer our society a Constitution that helps to dispel any confusion of interpretations [...] This is the time to give our country a chance to move towards socio-economic and cultural progress."

For his part, Mathias Pierre drew the attention of the population to the fact that "The referendum procedure is a purely democratic process" recalling that "the work provided by the Independent Advisory Committee is a preliminary draft of the Constitution which will be submitted to the appreciation of the population, the only entity which will have to sanction the final document. Emphasizing that democracy requires each group, each citizen to speak out on the project in complete freedom."

For his part Guy François, the Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship, protests against acts of intimidation by certain sectors "The threats against the referendum process are not democratic", inviting the population to consult the document of the draft of the new Constitution https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-33766-haiti-flash-2nd-version-of-the-preliminary-draft-of-the-new-constitution.html in order to inquire about the major changes that could guarantee a better future of the Nation.

HL/ S/ iciHaiti

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