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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Two young people at the head of human resources
07/04/2021 10:52:19

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Two young people at the head of human resources
Branly Eugène, the Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), proceeded to the installation of Jefferson Charles as new Director and Juan Edwin Etienne as Deputy Director of the Directorate of Human Resources (HRD) of the Ministry.

In his speech for the occasion, Eugene instructed them to get out of the routine. "You will have a lot of work to do. It is not enough to prepare contract files. It will also be necessary to develop a human resources management plan in a fortnight."

The new Director of HRD thanked the Director General for having trusted young people "[...] A pair to lead HRD in another direction. We will continue to work to propel HRD further. Jefferson Charles promised, adding that he will work in harmony with his supervisors.

For his part, Juan Edwin Etienne said he was "enthusiastic about contributing to the process aimed at revitalizing the leadership in charge of human resources management" and ensures that he will focus on the arrival, integration and evaluation of the executives of the Ministry.

The outgoing Director (21 years of career within the Ministry) Jocelyn Charlesse gives himself a satisfecit after two years at the head of the HRD. He referred to the tenure of 300 contract workers who will each receive their letter of appointment shortly.

IH/ iciHaiti

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