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iciHaiti - Vatican : The new Haitian ambassador received in audience by Pope Francis
20/03/2021 09:38:41

iciHaiti - Vatican : The new Haitian ambassador received in audience by Pope Francis
Thursday March 18 at the Vatican, His Holiness Pope Francis received in audience Jean Jude Piquant, the new Ambassador of Haiti to the Holy See, who came to present his credentials to him.

Find out more about Jean Jude Piquant :
Jean Jude Piquant, born December 24, 1962, Catholic, is married and father of 2 daughters, indicates the Holy See. He holds a master's degree in missiology from Saint Paul University in Ottawa (Canada, 1992) and a master's degree in international law and intercultural human rights from Saint Thomas University in Miami (USA 2016).

In addition to his teaching career (1990-2010) in schools and universities, and several important positions in colleges and universities in the USA and Canada, Jean Jude Piquant in Haiti was advisor to the Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011 -2013) and Chief of Staff at the Chancellery (2018-2019).

He speaks French, English and Creole.

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