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iciHaiti - Agriculture :Towards the development of land downstream of the Marion Dam
12/03/2021 10:30:52

iciHaiti - Agriculture :Towards the development of land downstream of the Marion Dam
Patrix Sévère, the Minister of Agriculture held a working meeting this week with Branly Eugène, his Director General and the technical directors of the Ministries on the realization of a plan to develop agricultural land downstream of the Marion hydroelectric dam located at Grand-Bassin in the North-East department https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-31269-haiti-politic-towards-the-end-of-the-works-of-the-dam-on-the-marion-river.html

During this meeting Branly Eugène instructed all the technical units and all the directorates to make sure that everything is ready by April 25th.

Along the same lines, Minister Sévère explained the importance of the dam in the development of agriculture in this area. Recalling that by the end of April it was necessary to develop more than 2,000 hectares of land, he also mentioned the sowing of the lake with fish, the preparation of the soil, the construction of irrigation canals and the distribution of fertilizers to farmers. of the main irrigated perimeters of the area.

Technical departments present at this meeting :
Directorate of Plant Production (DPV);
Animal Production Department (DPA);
Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DPAQ);
Directorate of Forest Resources and Soils (DRFS);
Directorate of Agricultural Infrastructure (DIA);
The National Institute for Agrarian Reform (INARA).

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