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iciHaiti - March 8 : Tribute to the women of the Minister of Health
09/03/2021 12:00:01

iciHaiti - March 8 : Tribute to the women of the Minister of Health
Within the framework of March 8 devoted to the rights of women and girls around the world Marie Gréta Clément Roy the Minister of Public Health, "[...] salutes the courage of the millions of Haitian women who participate daily in the fight for protecting the health of our families."

Minister Clément is particularly keen to "[...] to honor her valiant women who are placed on the front line at the level of healthcare institutions, in particular, in raising awareness and taking charge of those affected by the Covid- 19.

Equality, inclusion and participation of women at all levels will remain empty concepts if society in all its dimensions does not understand that women's rights are essential for social justice. The Ministry will therefore continue to promote the rights of women but also the invaluable contribution of women to the health sector.

A strong, resilient and accessible health system for all is only possible if we give women the rightful place in the pyramid of care.

Dr Marie Gréta Clément Roy, Minister"

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