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iciHaiti - Diaspora France : New appointment booking modules
08/03/2021 09:10:47

iciHaiti - Diaspora France : New appointment booking modules
In order to improve its services and provide better service to compatriots, the Consulate General of Haiti in Paris is pleased to present a new appointment scheduling tool.

Modules are made available to nationals who will have to obtain a mandatory appointment to be received at the Consulate.

For the Consulate General :
Phone :
Email: conshparis@yahoo.fr

For the passport section:
Mail: sectionpasseports.cgh@gmail.com
These contact details are available exclusively to make an appointment and find out if the passports have arrived.

The passport service offers our compatriots the possibility of making a first request or of requesting the renewal of their passport. Considering the number of compatriots present in the Paris region, the service is in great demand. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to make an appointment at least six (6) months before the expiry date of their passport.

For the legal section :
Phone : 01.42. 12.70.51
Mmail: juridique.cghp@gmail.com

The legal department is responsible for legal issues that arise within the structure of the establishment. Its objective is to advise and support users in their legal procedures within the limits of the consulate's competences.
- Notarial acts
- Certificates
- Marriage certificates
- Legal certificates

Contact details and timetables :
Address: 35 Avenue de Villiers, 75017 Paris, France

Opening hours of the Consulate
9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Thursday.
Friday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm only.

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