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iciHaiti - Culture : Winners of the Taiwan Image Design competition
28/02/2021 10:05:03

iciHaiti - Culture : Winners of the Taiwan Image Design competition
In order to strengthen the understanding by young Haitians of the nature of Taiwanese-Haitian cooperation, and to provide a space for Haitian creative talents, the Embassy of Taiwan (Republic of China) organized for the first time a contest to make a direction sign including an image reflecting the spirit of Taiwan https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-32658-icihaiti-notice-design-competition-embassy-of-taiwan.html

A total of 40 young Haitian artists participated and 47 works were submitted.

The works were selected by a jury and by Internet users.

Jury laureate : John Mirvens Medor
Internet users' Laiureate : Peterson Fanfan

The Awards Ceremony took place at the Embassy this morning. Friends and family members were present to share the honor and joy of the winners. Ambassador Wen-jiann KU underlined in his speech "Competitiveness comes from creativity. We must motivate young Haitian talents" In barely a month, after having studied various political, economic, social and cultural developments in Taiwan, they were able to grasp the image of Taiwan and embody it in their work.

The work of John Mirvens Medor is displayed as a direction sign of the Embassy whose address is 22, Rue Lucien Hubert, Morne Calvaire, Pétion-Ville, and that of Peterson Fanfan is on the entry page of the Taiwanese Embassy Facebook page.

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