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iciHaiti - Insecurity : The mayor of Dajabón asks the Dominicans not to go to Haiti
24/02/2021 09:45:44

iciHaiti - Insecurity : The mayor of Dajabón asks the Dominicans not to go to Haiti
On Monday, Santiago Riverón the mayor of Dajabón (border municipality) asked the Dominicans to refrain from going to Haiti due to the socio-political crisis declaring "In Haiti, insecurity reigns in normal times but now it is worse, also we call on Dominican citizens not to go to this Nation."

According to the Mayor, any Dominican citizen who crosses the border risks his life. He cited as an example the kidnapping of two cinema technicians, Michael Enrique and Antonio Gerer Campusano Féliz, for whom their captors demanded a ransom of two million dollars for their releases https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-33076-haiti-flash-2-dominicans-kidnapped-in-port-au-prince-2-million-dollars-in-ransom-demanded.html

The former Director of Immigration José Ricardo Taveras agrees and suggested on Tuesday February 23 to the Dominican Government to officially recommend to the population not to go to Haiti unless it is strictly necessary.

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