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iciHaiti - Constitution : Ceremony of handing the draft to 94 Political Parties
12/02/2021 09:21:52

iciHaiti - Constitution : Ceremony of handing the draft to 94 Political Parties
Thursday February 11, Mathias Pierre, the Minister in charge of electoral matters and relations with political parties, proceeded during a ceremony to hand over the preliminary draft of the new Constitution to the leaders of 94 registered Political Parties in the register of the Ministry of Justice.

"The organization of democratic elections is the best solution to the current crisis, institutional continuity, stability promoting good governance" declared Minister Pierre adding "I ask political parties, pillar of democracy to sensitize their members, supporters, sympathizers in order to bring them to participate massively in the referendum of April 25 [...] It is through dialogue and the confrontation of ideas that we can solve the country's problems [...] you, leaders of political parties, you have your say in this preliminary draft of the new Constitution."

IH/ iciHaïti

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