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iciHaiti - Obituary : La Fusion mourns the departure into the afterlife of Serge Gilles
04/02/2021 10:03:14

iciHaiti - Obituary : La Fusion mourns the departure into the afterlife of Serge Gilles
In a press note from Rosemond Pradel, Secretary General of the Haitian Social Democrats Fusion Party (FUSION) writes "The Fusion bitterly mourns the departure into the hereafter of its Special Advisor. A big brother, a great friend, a mentor, a baobab, Serge Gilles has just made the big trip on the night of February 1 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-32930-haiti-politic-death-of-former-senator-serge-gilles.html . The country will no longer see this great democrat at the service of democracy who has devoted his entire life to the establishment of the rule of law.

A life entirely dedicated to politics.

He left his mark on the Directory and the members of the Party with his indelible imprint of his faith in democratic values.

He has contributed to inscribing in the DNA of our Party the constant need for the gathering of progressive forces and the choice of dialogue as the privileged mode of conflict resolution and the ideal way to reach sufficient consensus around a national project that should constitute the basis of a governability pact for the rescue of Haiti.

How many talks about our country, about the men and women of its time !

So many meetings, endless discussions, happy or unhappy events on his mythical gallery, a real school of political training.

The Fusion expresses its thanks to his wife, comrade VP Betty S. Gilles and to his daughters Aurélie, Estelle Laure and Marie Gensia who graciously agreed to place the Special Advisor at his disposal and to be discreet by letting the Party invade their living space and even their privacy.

Did you know that one of the subjects that worried him lately and on which he wanted to write was the environment and the reforestation of the territory ?

Serge, you will remain present and standing among us.

Go in Peace. The Fusion will continue the fight with the same courage and the same determination.

Sit tibi terra Levis. (May the earth be light to you)"

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