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iciHaiti - Social : The price of basic products is on the rise
01/02/2021 10:39:49

iciHaiti - Social : The price of basic products is on the rise
In its latest bulletin on Haiti from January 2021, the International Organization Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) the international network of early warning systems against famine reports that the exchange rate stabilized from October to November 2020 around 63 gourdes for one US dollar, has appreciated since December to reach ± ​​73 gourdes at the end of January 2021, underlining "This induces a trend reversal in the prices of imported products such as rice and flour, which have increased by 11% on average, while remaining about 50% above the five-year average."

In addition, FEWS NET underlines "the security climate deteriorates further with calls for the resignation of the President, the cases of kidnapping against ransoms and socio-political demonstrations, follow one another creating a climate of fear across the capital which has more impact on conditions of food security by limiting the functioning of markets sporadically."

In addition, "Normal rains are observed during the first decade of January but still lower and irregularly distributed in certain regions (Artibonite, North, North-East), negatively impacting winter crops, in particular beans and corn. However, according to key informants, this season's production is estimated to be good (Congo peas, beans, groundnuts, maize), especially in the South, South-East, and Grand'Anse."

Livelihoods continue to be disrupted mainly due to rising commodity prices. "Very poor households will therefore continue to adopt crisis or stress strategies to maintain the current level of their food consumption. Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Stress (IPC Phase 2) food insecurity will therefore persist in most regions."

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