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iciHaiti - Limonade : Inauguration of a solar-powered water pumping station
01/02/2021 08:39:15

iciHaiti - Limonade : Inauguration of a solar-powered water pumping station
Saturday 30 January, in Bois de Lance, 2nd municipal section of Limonade (North Dept.), President Jovenel Moise, accompanied by Patrix Sévère, the Minister of Agriculture inaugurated a solar-powered water pumping station, fruit of cooperation with Taiwan (Republic of China)

The ceremony took place in the presence of the First Lady, Martine Moise, ministers, directors general, Ambassador Taiwan (Republic of China) in Haiti, Wen-Jiann Ku, local elected officials and members of the population local.

"This solar-powered water pumping system is installed with the aim of providing an answer to the problem of water scarcity facing the farmers of Limonade. This system is a possibility offered to the peasants, allowing them to continue to cultivate the land," declared the Minister of Agriculture,

In addition to this new solar infrastructure made available to farmers, Minister Sévère promised to provide them with quality inputs and agricultural tractors in order to improve their living conditions.

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