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iciHaiti - FLASH : Address to the Nation of President Moïse (Video)
26/01/2021 08:31:08

iciHaiti - FLASH : Address to the Nation of President Moïse (Video)
Monday, January 25, in an address to the Nation on social networks, Jovenel Moïse after having widely spoken among other things about the electrification of the country, addressed the question of the elections, the opposition of his mandate and said he was open to a political agreement, but reiterated that he will leave the National Palace at the end of his mandate on February 7, 2022, that is to say after 5 years of mandate as stipulated by the Constitution. In addition, he wants a long-term political agreement to ensure the future of the country and calls on the population to work together to fight kidnapping...

Address to the Nation of President Moïse (in Creole)

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