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iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of work to divert the great Baradères river
13/01/2021 10:38:21

iciHaiti - Politic : Launch of work to divert the great Baradères river
Patrix Sévère, the Minister of Agriculture after his visit to Barradères (Dept. Des Nippes) proceeded at the beginning of the week as announced last week to the launch of the deviation works of the Baradères river which constitutes a constant threat for the population during the rainy season.

This deviation of the Barradères river will reduce the risks of floods and other negative consequences in the commune, according to Minister Sévère.

"This new bed to be dug for the great Barradères river will constitute a kind of diversion capable of stemming the floods," said engineer Marc Edouard Dieujuste. Adding "The Ministry will strengthen the banks of the old riverbed [...] We will break the mountain which is a few meters from the river. The materials from this operation will be used to erect dikes. There will also be bank reinforcements upstream for about 1 kilometer [...]"

In the same vein, Bruno Edmond, the Departmental Agricultural Director of Nippes, is convinced that this is a great opportunity for the commune and believes that this work will greatly contribute to mitigating the risk of flooding in Baradères.

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