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iciHaiti - Earthquake 2010 : Message of reflection by Lesly Condé
12/01/2021 11:02:17

iciHaiti - Earthquake 2010 : Message of reflection by Lesly Condé
On this day of commemoration of the earthquake of January 12, 2010, Lesly Condé Ex-Consul General of Haiti in Chicago (August 2004 - May 2018), delivered a message of reflections and that we invite you to read and share.

Messages by Lelsy Condé :
"Dear compatriots and friends everywhere,

At the beginning of each year, as our Nation, always resilient, gives itself new reasons to hope and to struggle, it is also the time to think about this catastrophe of apocalyptic dimensions which befell us on January 12, 2010 This large-magnitude earthquake struck mercilessly and without warning, leaving nearly 300,000 dead, and countless horror stories not all of which can be told.

This year, as we commemorate the eleventh anniversary of this destructive earthquake, let's have a special thought for these compatriots who still exist after their lives were destroyed. We will always remember the wonderful outbursts of solidarity of which the world has shown itself capable. Today wounds of all kinds are still alive. Even today, Haiti struggles desperately to cling to its humanity."

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