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iciHaiti - NOTICE : 33rd international francophone short story competition
11/01/2021 10:06:04

iciHaiti - NOTICE : 33rd international francophone short story competition
The review "L'encrier reversé", with its partners the City of Castres and Crédit Agricole Nord-Midi-Pyrénées (France), is organizing its 33rd short story competition, open to all French-speaking authors residing in France or abroad.

Registration is 5 Euros (FREE for minors and participants from abroad and overseas).

No theme imposed.
Send in 4 copies to the address : L'encrier reversed (news contest) 9, hameau En Priou, 81580 Cambounet-sur-Sor (France) a short story unpublished of 15 pages maximum not exceeding 22,500 signs (definition of the sign: letter, number, punctuation mark, symbol or space between words)

Each author can only send one unpublished short story

Competition open from January 1, 2021 to May 15, 2021 midnight.

The competition has 5 cash prizes including a First Prize of 1,000 euros and a second prize of 300 euros,

The first 10 texts as well as those of the Marie-Schembré Prize and Lycéens Prize winners will be published in the "Concours" 2021 issue of L'encrier inversé.

The jury is made up of the winners of the previous editions.

More information on : www.reger.canalblog.com

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