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iciHaiti - Social : Tribute to 50 model and inspiring Haitian women (List)
11/01/2021 08:40:28

iciHaiti - Social : Tribute to 50 model and inspiring Haitian women (List)
Friday January 8 at the Marriott Hotel, the Haitian Women in Tourism Initiative (IFTH) and Sco Tour Haiti (STH), organized a tribute ceremony in honor of fifty model Haitian women for their positive contribution in Haiti and abroad.

This event also intends to be a platform to present to Haitian society inspiring women evolving in various fields, including health, governance, education, business, environment, tourism, people with disabilities, etc...) and who have exercised effective leadership with convincing, concrete and tangible results...

List of the 50 women recipients 2020 :
1- Darline ALEXIS
2- Michaëlle JEAN
3- Fabienne COLAS
4- Michaëlle Auguste SAINT-NATUS
5- Janice REGIS
6- Ange Bellie ANDOU
7- Marie Raphaëlle PIERRE
8- Achemine Coffy PIERRE
9- Regine Marie Tessa Zéphirin DIEGUE
10- Christelle Jean-Bart THERMILUS
11- Polyanna DOMOND
12- Djenane ST-FLEUR
13- Marie Alice THEARD
15 - Renette DESIR
16- Maguy Durcé BERTRAND
17- Anne Louise MESADIEU
18- Geraldine PEPE
19- Paulna Pierre Paul ETIENNE
20- Marie Nancy Charles LARCO
21- Margaret Jane WYNNE
22- Phelicia DELLL
23- Wedlyne Francois PIERRE
24- Mardochée Bijoux
25- Marjory LOUIS-MARD
26- Cassandra Jean François
27- Martine FIDÈLE
28- Caëlle EDMOND
30- Rideka JACQUES
31- Mélineda JEAN-BAPTISTE
32- Farah Delance LINOT
33- Kattie-Flore FILS-AIME
34- Lucna HENRISME
35- Flore Poliana Pierre-Paul DERICE
36- Marie Josey FRANCOIS
37- Michèle Gardère FRISCH
38- Angie BEL
39- Luckny GUERRIER
40- Roseline DIEUDONNE
41- Sandra SINVRY
42- Danielle SAINT LOT
43- Olga Medor DUCASSE
44- Ketly ASTIER
45- Widenska ANDRE
46- Josette Thomas BRUFFAERTS
47- Nedgine Paul DEROLY
48- Monique CLESCA
49- Edwidge DANTICAT
50- Roseline DIEUDONNE

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