
iciHaiti - CIN : Mobilization for the identification of citizens 10/01/2021 11:56:18
Friday, as part of the "National Identification Cards delivery days" (CIN) https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-32602-icihaiti-social-1-million-national-identification-cards-ready-but-not-recovered.html at a press conference, https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-32602-icihaiti-social-1-million-national-identification-cards-ready-but-not-recovered.html Guy André Jr. François Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of Citizenship and Patriotism coordinator of the identification project indicated that the mobilization on the identification of citizens was continuing
He declared "Civil status officers and Clerics in concert with the National Identification Office (ONI), the National Archives, the Administrative Councils of the Communal Sections (CASEC), and the Administrations of the Communal Sections (ASEC) combine their efforts in order to continue the mobilization on the identification of citizens."
IH/ iciHaiti