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iciHaiti - Fuel : BMPAD invites the population to keep calm
30/12/2020 08:40:27

iciHaiti - Fuel : BMPAD invites the population to keep calm
In an attempt to reassure the public about the fuel supply and their fear of a new shortage, BMPAD Director General Ignace St-Fleur informs :

"The General Directorate of the Office for the Monetization of Development Assistance Programs (BMPAD) is committed to informing the public in general and the oil sector in particular, that a delivery of 165,000 barrels of gasoline is expected to Port au Prince in the next 48 hours.

Therefore, the BMPAD invites the population to remain calm, because the state of the available stock will allow to hold until the arrival of this cargo [...]"

However, the distributors believe that, if the fuel arrives on Thursday, the return to normal will not be able to come back completely Thursday, January 7, taking into account the end of year celebrations and the New Year... a situation at the beginning of the new year which risks to be critical for a few days in gas stations...

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