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iciHaiti - Politics : 41st anniversary of the TNH
28/12/2020 10:44:06

iciHaiti - Politics : 41st anniversary of the TNH
As part of the 41 years of the National Television of Haiti (TNH) (Dec 23, 1979 Dec 23, 2020) Pradel Henriquez the Minister of Culture and Communication seized this moment to renew his commitment to work with the General Directorate, with all the TNH teams, and to regularly help this public service institution to improve its performance.

In his remarks for the occasion, Minister Henriquez declared : "After 41 years in the service of the Nation, the National Television of Haiti can be proud indeed to have been an active witness of our social, political and cultural.

She can even be proud to have helped to discover infinitely many talents and this, in various technical or professional fields.

It will continue to support the Government and the State with always this certain sense of loyalty.

The TNH in 2021 faces serious challenges :

  • Digital technology and the modernization of these structures;
  • That of a national coverage which does not exclude any layer of the population and any socio-economic class;
  • That of an absolutely educational and balanced program;
  • Lastly, that of being able to maintain this enlightened leadership which constitutes the foundation of this major strategic institution. The national media and audiovisual panorama is no longer what it was in the 80s and 90s.

Also, it is a whole new impetus for renewal that the Ministry wishes our public television to acquire so that it can continue to serve the Haitian population in Haiti and abroad and that it continues to contribute to the influence of Haitian culture.

To the Director General Mr. Gamall Augustin, to the Executive Directors and to all the employees of the TNH, the Ministry expresses joyful wishes of happiness."

IH/ iciHaiti

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