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iciHaiti - UEH : Signature of a MoU with Switzerland
21/12/2020 09:32:28

iciHaiti - UEH : Signature of a MoU with Switzerland
Fritz Deshommes, the Rector of the State University of Haiti (UEH) and Fabrizio Poretti, the Chargé d'affaires ai of the Swiss Embassy in Haiti, signed a memorandum of understanding on the capacity building of national executives in the field of Risk and Disaster Management in the presence of Emmanuel Pierre, Representative of the General Directorate of Civil Protection (DGPC) and Professor Dominique Boisson, Coordinator of the Geosciences Research Unit (URGéo).

"This memorandum of understanding [...] Sets out the possible areas of cooperation and the commitments of the two parties; it calls for URGéo's involvement in the training of Masters students and professionals with the financial support of Swiss cooperation; it provides for the material support of Swiss cooperation for the implementation of URGéo actions as well as for the development of tools and methods in the field of Risk and Disaster Management in Haiti," specified the Rector Fritz Deshommes adding "It is essential in view of the importance of the multiple natural hazards which our country faces, that scientific research and teaching be able to contribute to a better knowledge of natural threats and to the training of different actors."

For his part, Professor Boisson underlined the importance of this partnership which will make it possible to go more into the concrete to help build the resilience of communities in Haiti. According to the URGéo coordinator, this memorandum of understanding constitutes a framework which should favor the involvement of other entities of the UEH in issues related to risks and disasters such as development problems and migration.

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