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iciHaiti - France : Opening of applications for specialized and in-depth medical training diplomas
13/12/2020 09:42:54

iciHaiti - France : Opening of applications for specialized and in-depth medical training diplomas
The French Embassy in Haiti is pleased to announce the opening of applications for specialized (DFMS) and in-depth medical training (DFMSA) diplomas for the start of the academic year on November 2, 2021.

This program is aimed at young doctors in the process of specializing or doctors who already specialize.

Application files can be downloaded from the following address : med.unistra.fr/fre/Formations/3eme-cycle/DFMS-DFMSA

The files must be submitted in one copy to the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service (SCAC) of the French Embassy in Haiti (51, rue Capois in Port-au-Prince) before January 15, 2021.

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