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iciHaiti - 217th Vertières : In the name of freedom and dignity
18/11/2020 09:22:02

iciHaiti - 217th Vertières : In the name of freedom and dignity
On this day commemorating the 217th anniversary of the Battle of Vertière, Pradel Henriquez the Minister of Culture and Communication delivered a message of circumstance that we invite you to share.

Message from Minister Henriquez :

"217 years therefore since the revolutionary army of St Domingue fought the final battle which was to lead to the glory of the first Negro Republic and to the immortality of our ancestors. The latter, in fact, have indeed enabled us to conquer our independence as a people against the greatest military and colonial power of the time.

This wonderful battle of Vertières, in the north of the country, orchestrated by the liberating troops of Jean Jacques Dessalines, under the leadership of François Capois, Commander of the 9th brigade, constitutes the most beautiful page ever written in the history of the humanity and the struggle for the liberation of the peoples of our planet from oppression.

This November 18 remains and therefore remains a mythical date which constitutes the backdrop of our historical heritage.

Even today, our pride challenges us in the face of abuses that could sink a part of our history and a large part of our memory, in the mass graves of our aberrations. There is nothing better, in fact, to betray the dreams of our predecessors and sink into indignity.

We are definitely called to be that valiant people who always walk with their heads held high.

On November 18, 2020, it is up to us, more than ever, to know how to give meaning to this date, instead of making it just a day of violence."

IH/ iciHaiti

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