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iciHaiti - National Plan : Continuation of consultations on climate change
07/11/2020 10:31:23

iciHaiti - National Plan : Continuation of consultations on climate change
After the Great North, it is in the Great South that the Ministry of the Environment and that of Planning have been carrying out regional consultation workshops since November 3 with a view to drawing up the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNA).

It is in the town of Jérémie that these series of consultation workshops began, which should reach out to the various departments constituting the great South.

Kelly Maxia, the Departmental Director of the Environment of Grand-Anse and his planning counterpart Evens Joseph opened the workshop in the presence of local authorities and leaders, public administration executives and members of the civil Society grand'Anselaise.

Remember that these workshops should make it possible to collect data and information on fragility, the specific risks linked to climate change in the department. By agreeing on national methods and priorities in terms of development and the fight against climate change, the PNA aims to give guidelines on the governance measures to be implemented while basing itself on economic models likely to support the process of strengthening Haiti's resilience and in particular its socio-economic development. In particular, it intends to ensure consistency between adaptation measures and development planning throughout the national territory.

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