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iciHaiti - Justice : Detainees forgotten in their cells
26/10/2020 11:08:43

iciHaiti - Justice : Detainees forgotten in their cells
Sunday, October 25, the International Day of Prisoners which was celebrated around the theme "Prizonye yo dwe jwe patisyon pa yo nan Refondasyon Sosyal Peyi a" was the occasion for the authorities concerned (representatives of state institutions, NGOs working for promotion, guarantee and defense of the rights of detainees and staff of the Prison Administration) to reflect on the best strategies to implement in order to allow and facilitate the social reintegration of detainees.

The case of certain political and intellectual figures such as Jean Price-Mars, Jacques Roumain and Nelson Mandela shows us that it is possible to think differently about spaces of social incarceration.

However, for the Office for the Protection of the Citizen (OPC), while it is true that in some detention centers, efforts have been made to comply with Mandela's rules for the treatment of detainees, the Office notes on the other hand that in the majority of prisons in Haiti, detainees are housed in inhuman and degrading conditions causing serious attacks on their dignity.

The OPC recalls that more than 75% of detainees are in prolonged pre-trial detention, without having been tried or sentenced, some for several years (3 years on average https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20317-haiti-justice-gustavo-gallon-harshly-judge-the-haitian-prison-system.html ), stressing on this day of commemoration of the detainees, that many citizens were forgotten in the cells of the National Penitentiary and the prison of the Croix-des-Bouquets due to the non-functioning of the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince during the judicial year 2019/2020...

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