
iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : The 5 finalists of the Logo competition 13/09/2020 10:32:32
Following the Logo contest launched by the 350th Committee last month https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-31682-haiti-flash-cap-haitien-logo-competition.html as part of the Commemoration of the 200 years of the death of King Henry Christophe on October 8, five graphic designers have been selected by the jury for the final phase :
List of finalist graphic designers :
Orelus Oscar
Polidor Johnsly
Andre Almonor Louis Charles
Sébatien Rood-Nedlon
Alain junior charles
It should be noted that a jury is set up to determine the first winner who will receive a Premium of 50,000 Gourdes. The name of the first winner will be known this Sunday, September 13.
To view the selected logos visit : https://www.facebook.com/CapHaitien2020/photos/pcb.1521233068064399/1521232844731088/?type=3&theater
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti