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iciHaiti - Shipwreck : Condolences from the American Embassy
22/08/2020 09:22:01

iciHaiti - Shipwreck : Condolences from the American Embassy
The U.S. Embassy expresses our condolences to the families and friends of the victims of a boat capsize that occurred August 19. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-31585-haiti-flash-shipwreck-in-haiti-at-least-17-dead.html "We send our deepest sympathies to the families and friends who have lost their loved ones," stated Ambassador Michèle Sison.

On August 19, the U.S. Coast Guard received notification of a capsized vessel that departed Saint-Louis du Nord enroute Hauts Figuiers (La Tortue) at approximately 12:30 pm. According to the report, 13 deceased have been recovered (11 adults and two children). A U.S. Coast Guard cutter and helicopter conducted searches throughout the night and into the afternoon of August 20.

The U.S. Coast Guard, in cooperation with the Haitian authorities, continues to make every effort to preserve lives and enforce the law. This tragedy is a reminder of the risks of traveling in small and often unreliable boats that cannot safely navigate dangerous waters when overloaded.

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