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iciHaiti - Grand’Anse : 300 young people trained in sewing, plumbing and animal and plant production techniques
05/07/2020 09:28:26

iciHaiti - Grand’Anse : 300 young people trained in sewing, plumbing and animal and plant production techniques
Nearly 300 young people from Grande Anse aged 14 to 17 from several communes in the Department (Beaumont, Corail, Roseaux, Jérémie, Marfranc and Moron), followed a 200-hour training program in their respective fields (sewing, plumbing and in animal and plant production techniques) in vocational training establishments authorized by the National Institute for Professional Training (INFP) which validated their training course by granting them a certificate of professional aptitude at the end of the course.

At the end of this project, more than 1,000 young people in the Departments of West, South and Grande Anse, should complete a vocational training course in one of the sectors they have chosen, thus granting them knowledge and a qualification to enter the labor market, once the minimum age for admission to employment has been reached.

It should be noted that this vocational training program is part of the "Fight against child domestic labor" project, the overall objective of which is to support national actors in setting up prevention and protection mechanisms against exploitation of children through work, including domestic work. This project is jointly implemented by the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Unicef, and funded by the Federal Government of Canada.

The sectors targeted by the training program were selected according to the job demand identified in the intervention areas and in which adolescents will have the opportunity to carry out advanced training, and/or work and/or start their own businesses.

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