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iciHaiti - Digicel : List of the 25 finalists of the 3rd edition «Konbit Pou Chanjman»
30/06/2020 11:20:30

iciHaiti - Digicel : List of the 25 finalists of the 3rd edition «Konbit Pou Chanjman»
Due to the health emergency linked to the covid-19 pandemic, the traditional final ceremony of the 3rd edition of its Digicel Foundation "Konbit Pou Chanjman" campaign, which was scheduled for last March, has been canceled. It was therefore decided to introduce a new format in order to remain faithful to the commitment of the Digicel Foundation to contribute to community development. So out of the 25 finalists https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-29914-icihaiti-digicel-konbit-pou-chanjman-list-of-finalists.html the 15 winning organizations have delegated one representative who took part at an award ceremony at the premises of the nearest Digicel store in their respective region.

This year, during the ceremony, the 15 winning finalists were pleasantly surprised to learn that they will receive (due to the depreciation of the Gourdes), a subsidy of 1 million Gourdes instead of the 800,000 initially planned.

In addition, it has been decided that the 10 other finalists will receive 250,000 gourdes each for the implementation of their projects with a revised budget.

List of the 15 finalists winning funding of 1 million Gourdes :

  • "Òganizasyon Tèt Ansanm pou Devlopman Baden 7th Seksyon Moulen Gros-Morne" (OTADB7MGM) - Artibonite Department
  • "Haiti Leve" (HLEV) - Center Department
  • Community Action for the Integral Development of the Haitian Peasantry (ACODIPHA) - Department of Grande-Anse
  • Charlier Nippes Fishermen's Association (APC / Nippes) - Department of Nippes
  • Nippes in Action (NA) - Department of Nippes
  • Association of Youth in Beekeeping Development (AJDA) - Department of the North
  • Association of Young Northerners for a New Development Alternative (AJENONADE) - Department of the North
  • Faith and Joy Haiti (FJ) - Department of the North East
  • Dynamic Organization for Mining Development (ODDM) - North-East Department
  • Association for the Agro-ecological Development of Gaspard (ADAG) - Department of the North-West
  • Morne-Chrétien en Action (MCA) - North-West Department
  • Association of Inhabitants for the Development of Nau (AHDN) - Department of the West
  • Sainte Marie Vocational School Foundation (FEPSM) - Department of the West
  • Association Socio-Sportive de Lhomond (ASSL) - Department of the South
  • Youth Group for the Development of Haiti (REJEDHA) - Department of Southeast

List of the 10 finalists winning funding of 250,000 Gourdes :

  • Progressive Association of Chatelas (APC) - Artibonite Department
  • Fok Ayisyen Travay (FAT) - Center Department
  • Haiti Terre de Rêve (HATER) - Department of Nippes
  • Solidarite Fanm Mowon (SOLIFANM) - Department of Grande-Anse
  • Gathering of Young Thinkers of Savane Grande (RJEPS) - Center Department
  • Center for Action and Research for Local Development (CARDEL) - North-East Department
  • Maurice Sixto Foyer (FMS) - West Department
  • Heart to Heart International - Department of the West
  • Jean Claude Museau High School - Department of the South
  • Konbit pou Remanbre Mabyal (KOREMAB) - Department of South-East

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