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iciHaiti - Haward School : Danta R. Bien-Aime obtains his master's degree in public health
17/06/2020 11:34:54

iciHaiti - Haward School : Danta R. Bien-Aime obtains his master's degree in public health
The US Embassy extends "its congratulations" to Ms. Danta R. Bien-Aime, a Fulbright Scholarship Program participant, for her master's degree in public health from Harvard Medical School. "We are proud of all of our graduates who work tirelessly to complete their degrees during this difficult time. [...] We look forward to welcoming you to your home so that you can pursue your dreams and make your contribution to the health sector in Haiti.

"I dedicate this master to all the underserved communities in Haiti where good quality of care is a luxury, when it shouldn't be one. This is the end of an amazing journey and the start of a long professional commitment to social justice, to human rights, and to the fight for equal opportunities in communities," said Danta.

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