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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Agricultural production forecast below average
15/06/2020 09:44:47

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Agricultural production forecast below average
According to the International Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), below-average and irregular rains continue to be observed throughout the Haitian territory except in a few communes (Tiburon on the South Coast, Bainet in the South-East, etc...)

Plowing and sowing are continuing in the Southeast (except Belle-Anse), they have resumed on the South Coast (especially in Tiburon) and are still delayed in other regions, especially in the Northeast, the Central Plateau , the Nippes, the North-West, and the Upper-Artibonite.

The main crops of the spring season (corn and beans) continue to suffer from the water deficit observed since the end of March and the harvests will probably be below average.

The reduction in income opportunities due to measures against the spread of the Covid-19 coronavirus is added to the context of high prices which limit access to food for the poorest households. The latter will have to reinforce their crisis strategies to maintain their food consumption.

An increase in the number of households in crisis (IPC Phase 3) is expected until June. However, it should be noted that the June/July harvests will not improve food availability and access due to below-average forecast agricultural production, persistent inflation and the effects of Covid-19. Thus, crisis food insecurity (IPC Phase 3) and tension (IPC Phase 2) will continue, for most households.

IH/ iciHaiti

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