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iciHaiti - Death : The Judiciary mourns the death of Me Mimose A. Janvier
14/06/2020 09:52:48

iciHaiti - Death : The Judiciary mourns the death of Me Mimose A. Janvier
"Never the man knows the outcome of the day before the night comes, it is enough that the day fades before the night then the man knows" writes Jean Wilner Morin, President of the National Association of Haitian Magistrates (ANAMAH) which mourns the departure of one of its founding pillars, the Magistrate Mimose Janvier who died Saturday at the Saint Luc hospital following respiratory difficulties.

"This disappearance came to remind us of the ephemerality of life.

May God in his love watch over this meteor and find its place in the constellation of immortal stars of the Haitian judiciary !

Magistrate Janvier was among the first magistrates specializing in the fight against financial crime. Her departure is a great loss not only for justice but even more for the country."

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