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iciHaiti - Literature : James Noël winner of the «Prize Internationaler Literaturpreis 2020» (Berlin)
05/06/2020 09:59:06

iciHaiti - Literature : James Noël winner of the «Prize Internationaler Literaturpreis 2020» (Berlin)
The Embassy of Haiti in France is pleased to announce that the Haitian poet and novelist James Noël is co-winner of the Grand Prize "Internationaler Literaturpreis 2020, Berlin", for his novel "Belle merveille" by Editions Zulma, translated into German by Rike Boite under the title "Was für ein Wender" and published by "Litraduck".

This novel is a vibrant tribute to the Haitian people, a hymn to life, to the beauty of bodies against the backdrop of seismic love.

The Embassy of Haiti in France takes the opportunity to present its warmest congratulations to James Noël who spreads Haitian literature around the world.

Learn more about James Noël :
James Noël was born in Hinche in 1978, Former resident of the Villa Medici, is above all a poet. Among his latest collections : The Pyromane adolescent, followed by Sang visible du vitrier (Points, 2015); nthologie de poésie haïtienne contemporaine (Points, 2015); La Migration des murs (Galaade, 2016). He also runs the magnificent magazine IntranQu’îllités.

Belle Marvel is his first novel which also won the Caribbean Prize from ADELF.

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