
iciHaiti - Covid-19 : Delivery of medical materials and equipment to St-Luc hospital 30/05/2020 09:51:14
This week the Ministry of Public Health handed over a batch of medical materials and equipment to St-Luc Hospital in Port-au-Prince.
This donation of materials will help improve the capacity of this private hospital center, which has been working since the beginning of the pandemic in Haiti in dealing with Covid-19 cases.
Materials and equipment handed over :
- 30 full hospital beds
- 20 oxygen tanks
- 20 oxygen regulators
- 3,000 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The Ministry continues with the distribution of medical materials and equipment ordered by the Haitian State in China https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30395-haiti-covid-19-daily-bulletin-march-29-2020.html , to strengthen the capacity of care centers for patients with Covid-19.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti