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iciHaiti - REMINDER : AROCH cultural subsidy program, call for proposals
25/05/2020 09:30:10

iciHaiti - REMINDER : AROCH cultural subsidy program, call for proposals
As part of the European Union in Haiti's "Civil Society Organization and Local Authorities in Development" call for proposals, the Haiti Jazz Foundation, in collaboration with the Caracoli association, is implementing the "Action for the Strengthening of Haitian Cultural Organizations" program (AROCH).

This program, funded by the European Union as part of its program to strengthen civil society, aims to strengthen the culture sector as a vector for inclusive economic and social development. More specifically, through financial support to cultural organizations, supplemented by technical and financial monitoring, it intends to strengthen Haitian cultural organizations in their capacities to produce cultural events.

The call for proposals is aimed at non-profit organizations, operating in Haiti in the cultural sector or regularly organizing cultural events. These organizations must have at least three years of legal existence in Haiti and demonstrate that they have regularly organized cultural events on Haitian territory and have already managed funds of an amount equal to or greater than the maximum grant requested.

Under this first call for proposals, the total amount of eligible costs per project is between 12,000 Euros minimum and 14,500 Euros maximum. A dozen cultural organizations could benefit.

At the same time, the AROCH program will offer training in cultural management and sound and light techniques for professionals from the West, North and South East.

A steering committee made up of institutions working in the cultural sector in Haiti and local authorities will ensure the smooth running of the project and the dissemination of calls for proposals for grants and calls for candidates for training.

The media launch of the AROCH program will take place on the occasion of the announcement of the results of the pre-selection of beneficiaries, in June 2020.

Deadline for submission of concept notes : 1 June 2020

Download all the details and the grant application form : https://secureservercdn.net/

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