iciHaiti - Telecommunication : ICT helps manage the pandemic 15/05/2020 10:32:26 What sustainable development whose health and well-being are not both the driving force and the end goal ? The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us that humanity needs to create the tools to ensure health and well-being so that sustainable development is more than a wish. "It is an undeniable fact that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) contribute to facilitating the management of this pandemic both in terms of raising awareness among populations and taking care of infected people," underlines the National Council Telecommunications (CONATEL). "Thanks to the possibility of being online, many industrial, administrative and academic activities have been preserved and continue to serve the world's population. Today, around the world, ICT applications allow those in confinement to continue to access basic services or simply to communicate. E-commerce, cyber health, tele education, mobile money tools have become crucial for all sectors. "There is proof that ICTs find their place even in times of crisis. All the direct and indirect benefits of these technologies must push us to exploit their potential to make it a real lever of sustainable development," affirms the Council which reiterates its will to do everything possible so that the TIC can contribute to reach the objectives of sustainable development. TB/ iciHaiti
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