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iciHaiti - Jacmel : Celebrations of the patronal feast and the city's 322 years
02/05/2020 10:40:47

iciHaiti - Jacmel : Celebrations of the patronal feast and the city's 322 years
Friday, the city of Jacmel (Dept. South-East) celebrated its patronal feast, Saint Jacques and Saint Philippe and its 322 years of existence in a particular context of pandemic of coronaviris-Cod-19 which currently affects 187 countries.

Pradel Henriquez the Minister of Culture joins this double event to wish all Jacmelian, his warm wishes of happy birthday while advising them to respect the instructions of the local health authorities for the protection of each and everyone prevent the spread of the disease.

Let's recall that Jacmel, founded in July 1698, is known for its cultural richness marked by many artistic personalities, in particular the painter Préfète Duffaut, the writer René Depestre and the poet Alcibiade Pommayrac whose famous phrase "Jacmel, Sursum Corda" (let's raise our heart) still resonates today in every Jacmelian.

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