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iciHaiti - Culture : Poster competition, call for candidates
27/04/2020 11:03:18

iciHaiti - Culture : Poster competition, call for candidates
From April 23 to May 7, 2020, the Knowledge and Freedom Foundation (FOKAL) is opening a call for participation for creative people wishing to participate in a process that will lead them to produce one or more posters around rights in times of crisis and Covid-19 in Haiti thanks to support from professionals, graphic designers Teresa Sdralevich and Ralph Dupoux.

This call for participation is addressed to all young graphic designers and illustrators who, through the medium of the poster, want to address a human rights issue related to the Covid-19 pandemic in Haiti.

Phase 1 : Support and creation (May 11 to 23):
Among the candidates responding to the call, 15 will be selected and will be supported in the process of creating posters and in understanding human rights issues, by the trainers and by online resources. Support will be provided remotely, collectively and individually, using platforms such as Bluejeans, Zoom, Whatssap or Messenger. For the sake of equity, importance will be given to female participation and will be reflected in the selection of participants.

Phase 2 : Contest - From May 25 to 30 :
At the end of the creation process, the posters produced will be shared on social networks. The general public, as well as a jury of experts, will vote for their favorite posters and the 3 winners will win a monetary prize of 500 US dollars for the 1st Prize; 250 dollars for the 2nd and 150 dollars for the 3rd Prize. All participants will win books on poster art and human rights.

How to participate? :

To participate, please send your application by email before May 7, 2020 at 4:00 pm to : info@fokal.org with the subject line "Our rights in times of crisis".

Your application should include:

1/ Your poster project (s): explain in a simple and clear statement what thematic (s) of human rights you want to address and why (between 150 and 200 words).

2/ A link (Google Drive, Dropbox or Wetransfer) to visual / textual work that you have done in the past.

3/ A short biography or CV

Applicants must ensure that they will be able to use their own creative hardware and software and must be able to be available from May 11 to 30, 2020 to create and participate in (remote) support sessions.

It is possible to submit a poster project in pairs, collaborations between illustrators, designers, graphic designers may be considered.

Poster projects must allow :

  • To understand the consequences of the measures taken to fight the pandemic on the population, in particular in terms of equity (impact on domestic violence, education of the little ones, informal workers, the peasantry, …); in terms of the right to health; right to non-discrimination; right to information ...
  • Address the human rights problems encountered during the pandemic, particularly for the most vulnerable groups and groups made vulnerable: COVID-19 patients, people suspected of being COVID-19 sick, girls and women, workers and contract workers, workers in the informal sector forced to go out to work, people with chronic diseases who with confinement no longer have access to care, people with HIV, caregivers, particularly the most vulnerable children, isolated communities, the LGBTQI community, the peasantry,... without excluding other groups of the population.

This call is made by the Media and Citizen Education programs of FOKAL, as part of the project "Access to justice and fight against impunity in Haiti", carried by Avocats sans frontières Canada and supported by the Canadian government through of Global Affairs Canada.

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