
iciHaiti - Social : 20,000 food kits distributed 07/04/2020 10:48:08
As part of President Moïse's commitments to provide sustained assistance to the most disadvantaged in the current context linked to the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30405-haiti-covid-19-moise-promises-food-to-1-million-families-and-cash-to-15-million-others.html , the Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) has distributed over the past week, more than 20,000 food kits in the 10 departments in vulnerable neighborhoods through the various departmental delegations.
Like the metropolitan region https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-30393-icihaiti-social-distributions-of-thousands-of-food-kits.html , these distributions were made door-to-door is carried out in compliance with health regulations in order to directly reach needy populations such as the elderly and disabled and nursing mothers.
In parallel to these operations, FAES opened three new community restaurants in the localities of Djobèl (Bourdon) and Garnier (Canapé-vert) and in Petite-rivière de l'Artibonite in order to allow people in difficult circumstances to benefit from a hot dish daily at the ridiculous price of 10 Gourdes.
FAES asks beneficiaries to respect social distancing and the sanitary measures of the Ministry of Public Health and Population in order to avoid catching the disease.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti