
iciHaiti - Covid-19 : Members of the crisis management communication unit 06/04/2020 11:10:26
With reference to the circular of March 25, relating to the execution of the decree of March 19, 2020 declaring a state of health emergency https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30311-haiti-flash-president-moise-declares-a-state-of-health-emergency-text-of-the-order.html throughout the national territory to fight against the pandemic of the Coronavirus Covid-19, a communication cell was set up with the main mission of proposing to the Government the necessary communication strategy towards the population, developing communication tools according to the decisions of the Government, ensuring the link between the population and the scientific cell https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30384-haiti-politic-creation-of-a-scientific-cell-to-manage-the-covid-19-crisis.html and the useful suggestions for an effective communication.
Members of the communication unit :
- Eddy Jackson ALEXIS, Secretary of State for Communication, Coordinator;
- Emmanuel JEAN FRANÇOIS, Director of communication at the National Palace.
- Jean Rommel PIERRE, representative of the Prime Minister's Office, member;
- Ing. Shiller JEAN-BAPTISTE, representative of CONATEL, member;
- Jacques SAMPEUR, representative of media association, member;
- Dieumaître DESSOURCES, representative of media association, member;
- Jacques DESROSIERS, representative of media association, member;
- Stéphane VINCENT, Expert in communication technologies, member;
- Ms. Djina Guillet DELATOUR, Community health specialist, member;
- Guy Serge POMPfLUS, representative of IHSI, member;
- Albert MOLEON, representative of the Directorate of Civil Protection, member;
The communication unit has its headquarters at the Ministry of Culture and Communication, which provides it with all the means necessary for its activities.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti