
iciHaiti - Culture : Closure of the National Historic Park 03/04/2020 12:36:00
The Directorate General of the Institute for the Safeguarding of National Heritage (ISPAN), a technically decentralized body of the Ministry of Culture, informs cultural operators, tour operators, town halls in Milot, Dondon, Grande Rivière du Nord, Plaine du Nord and the general public, from the closure of the Historic National Park - Citadelle Sans Souci Ramiers, until further notice.
This decision is part of the implementation of the measures taken in the context of the State of health emergency declared by the Government https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30311-haiti-flash-president-moise-declares-a-state-of-health-emergency-text-of-the-order.html in order to protect the population against the contagion and the propagation of the coronavirus Covid-19.
IH/ iciHaiti