
iciHaiti - Covid-19 : Public transport «a time bomb» 02/04/2020 09:49:27
Tuesday following the press conference on raising awareness about the protection and propagation measures for Covid-19 in public transport, https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-30418-icihaiti-covid-19-sanitary-measures-in-public-transport.html where two transport unionists urged the drivers to reduce the number of passengers and disinfect the vehicles after each trip, one can only note that nothing has changed that this call was not heard and the instructions ignored...
Public transport (tap-tap and minibus) are always as crowded, making the recommended social distance impossible to avoid contamination and the spread of Covid-19, exposing the health of drivers and that of thousands of passengers daily to the risk of contracting the Covid-19...
PI/ iciHaiti