
iciHaiti - Demonstration : The cabinet of Me Madistin attacked and vandalized 20/02/2020 08:23:12
Wednesday on the sidelines of violent police demonstrations https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30069-haiti-flash-panic-and-violent-demonstration-of-police-offciers-in-port-au-prince.html , individuals not identified attacked the cabinet of Me Samuel Madistin who had spoken out publicly the day before against the right to organize and to strike with the police. At least 5 vehicles in Me Madistin's office were burned and equipment destroyed in his offices which were vandalized...
Me Monferrier Dorval the president of the Bar Association of Port-au-Prince, strongly condemned this attack declaring "The Bar Association of Lawyers of Port-au-Prince strongly condemns the attack and the attempted fire of the cabinet of Me Madistin," recalling front this attack on freedom of expression "Me. Madistin has the right to have opinions different from others in a democracy."
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti