
iciHaiti - Taiwan : Supply of 30 community restaurants 12/02/2020 09:25:22
The Economic and Social Assistance Fund (FAES) supplied 30 community restaurants in the metropolitan area, whose the management of 20 were entrusted to community leaders from several neighborhoods of the comunes of Cité Soleil, Delmas and Port-au-Prince, following the signing of two memoranda of understanding on February 4 and 5, 2020 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-29973-icihaiti-social-memoranda-of-understanding-between-faes-and-community-leaders.html aimed at strengthening the fight against hunger in sensitive environments by offering the most deprived populations hot dishes daily at a ridiculous price.
These community restaurants are part of the "Kore Pèp" social program run by FAES with financial and food support from Taiwan (Republic of China)
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti