iciHaiti - Education : 177 inspectors in training to ensure compliance with the instructions of the Ministry 04/02/2020 10:37:04 A training which arrives at the moment when the Ministry launched a fight for the respect of the right to education and the improvement of the management of public schools through an ongoing action of the General Inspectorate of Education putting the emphasis on the fight against teacher absenteeism in public schools. For Pierre Josué Agénor Cadet, Minister of National Education present at the opening of this training "[...] we cannot consider improving the quality of education if the inspectors are not able to properly fulfill their role in supervising schools and ensuring compliance with the instructions of the ministry. Constant training and information sessions for inspectors and coordinators are essential for a common understanding of the planned actions and the activities to be carried out for the smooth running of the sector," recalling "Inspectors and coordinators have a great responsibility for the success of actions in the field. They are the operational arms and the eyes of the ministry for the application of instructions and compliance with standards." Louis Fritz Dorminvil, the Departmental Director underlined the importance of such an activity for the governance of the education sector saying "These public sector agents will be better equipped in the context of their work by the renewal of their knowledge." IH/ iciHaiti
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