
iciHaiti - Digicel : «Konbit Pou Chanjman» list of finalists 01/02/2020 09:48:08
Launched in May 2019 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27877-haiti-digicel-call-for-applications-3rd-edition-of-konbit-pou-chanjman.html the third edition of the Konbit Pou Chanjman campaign has remained true to its objective of helping to strengthen communities across the country. To date, the various stages have been successfully completed.
At the end of 2019, the Digicel Foundation team visited the 10 departments of the country to meet the different communities to discuss the projects with a view to selecting 25 projects out of the 63 selected out of 399 received, during the second phase of the campaign.
During the last week of January, representatives of these 25 organizations were invited to Port-au-Prince to support their respective projects before the jury. They also benefited from several training courses on communication, leadership, management and governance of non-profit organizations.
The defense of the projects will determine the 15 winners who will each receive, for this edition, a total of 800,000 Gourdes for the implementation of their community projects.
Next March, these organizations will once again be in the capital to participate in the closing ceremony of this third edition where the winners will be revealed.
The list of 25 organizations selected for the final :
- Progressive Association of Chatelas (APC) - Department of Artibonite
- "Òganizasyon Tèt Ansanm pou Devlopman Baden 7th Seksyon Moulen Gros-Morne" (OTADB7MGM) - Department of Artibonite
- Fok Ayisyen Travay (FAT) - Center Department
- "Haiti Leve" (HLEV) - Center Department
- Gathering of Young Thinkers of Savane Grande (RJEPS) - Center Department
- Community Action for the Integral Development of the Haitian Peasantry (ACODIPHA) - Department of Grande-Anse
- Solidarite Fanm Mowon (SOLIFANM) - Department of Grande-Anse
- Association of Fishermen of Charlier Nippes (APC / Nippes) - Department of Nippes
- Haiti Terre de Rêve (HATER) - Department of Nippes
- Nippes in Action (NA) - Department of Nippes
- Association of Youth in Beekeeping Development (AJDA) - Department of the North
- Association of Young Northerners for a New Development Alternative (AJENONADE) - Department of the North
- Center for Action and Research for Local Development (CARDEL) - North-East Department
- Faith and Joy Haiti (FJ) - Department of the North East
- Dynamic Organization for Mining Development (ODDM) - North-East Department
- Association for the Agro-ecological Development of Gaspard (ADAG) - North-West Department
- Morne-Chrétien en Action (MCA) - Department of North-West
- Association of Inhabitants for Development of Nau (AHDN) - Department of the West
- Sainte Marie Vocational School Foundation (FEPSM) - Department of the West
- Maurice Sixto Foyer (FMS) - West Department
- Heart to Heart International - Western Department
- Association Socio-Sportive de Lhomond (ASSL) - Department of the South
- Jean Claude Museau High School - Department of the South
- Konbit pou Remanbre Mabyal (KOREMAB) - Department of South-East
- Youth Group for the Development of Haiti (REJEDHA) - Department of Southeast
IH/ iciHaiti