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iciHaiti - National Carnival 2020 : List of members of the Organizing Committee
31/01/2020 10:08:20

iciHaiti - National Carnival 2020 : List of members of the Organizing Committee
In view of the holding of the National Carnival which will take place this year in Port-au-Prince February 23, 24 and 25, 2020 on the report by Jean Michel Lapin Minister ai of Culture and Edmond Bocchit, Minister ai of Tourism and after deliberation in the Council of Ministers it was agreed to create the Organizing Committee as published in the decree published in the official journal "Le Moniteur" #9 dated January 29, 2020


Article 1.- A Committee is created to organize the national carnival on February 23, 24 and 25, 2020.

Article 2.- The Committee is made up of the following people:

1) Mr. Guy André FRANÇOIS Junior, President:
2) Ms. Colombe Emile Jessy MENOS, Vice-President;
3) Mrs. Geneviève LOUISSANT, General Secretary;
4) Mr. Erol JOSUÉ, Artistic manager;
5) Mr. Alin AUGUSTIN, Co-artistic manager;
6) Mr. Fred LIZAIRE, Logistics Manager;
7 Mr. Jean Laury LUC, Treasurer;
8) Mr. Ricky JUSTE, Co-Responsible Logistics;
9) Mr. Carel PEDRE, Communication Manager;
I0) Mrs. Nancy CARRAHA, Member;
II) Mr. Albert CHANCY, Member;
12) Mr. Andy DUROSIER, Member;
13) Mr. Lucsonne JANVIER, Member;
14) Mrs. Ruth Stéphanie SAINT-LOUIS, Member;
15) Mr. Amos ZEPHIRIN, Member;
16) Mr. Levelt MILORD, Member;
17) Mrs. Tessa JACQUES, Member.

Article 3.- The Ministers of Culture, Tourism, Interior, Justice, Public Works, responsible for Human Rights and the Fight against Extreme Poverty and the Mayor of Port-au- Prince are respectively Honorary President, Honorary Vice-President and Honorary Members of the National Carnival."

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