
iciHaiti - DR : 1,581 Haitians deported 27/01/2020 07:37:59
The Directorate General of Migration (DGM) announces that it carried out migration control operations from 13 to 19 January, during which 1,687 Haitians were controlled.
The operations were carried out by teams made up of inspectors, agents of the DGM with the support of the military, the Dominican National Police, in coordination with the Public Prosecutor's Office of the provinces concerned in the provinces of Barahona (286), Dajabón (538), San Juan de la Maguana (131), Santiago Rodríguez (109), Valverde (514) as well as in the municipalities of Santo Domingo East (38), Santo-Domingo West (31) and the national district (40) .
After verification using biometric readers and the central database of the DGM, 1,581 Haitians (93.7%) were declared in an irregular or paperless migration situation and taken back to the border posts of Dajabón, Elías Piña and Jimaní, to be registered and deported to Haiti.
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S/ iciHaiti