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iciHaiti - Security : Cuban geohazard expertise at the service of Haiti
15/01/2020 09:33:58

iciHaiti - Security : Cuban geohazard expertise at the service of Haiti
The Geosciences Research Unit of the Faculty of Sciences (FDS) of the State University of Haiti (UEH) organized a workshop on the validation of various education and awareness materials for the management of risks and disasters in Haiti carried out in cooperation with Cuba.

This workshop brought together personalities from various backgrounds, including the engineer-geologist Claude Préptit, Director General of the Bureau of Mines and Energy, Professor Dominique Boisson Coordinator of the Geosciences Research Unit, Manuel Ituralde Vinent from the Cuban Academy of Sciences and Professor Jean Marie Théodate, coordinator of the master's program in resilient town planning and development of areas at risk...

Several educational and awareness materials in comic books on risk management were assessed. Cuban geohazard experience and expertise have been used in the production of these comic strip documents which have been produced by the illustrator Chevlin Pierre "Such booklets have already been successfully tested in awareness of the risks of natural disasters in Cuba" said Manuel Ituralde Vinent.

"There is a risk culture in Cuba that does not exist in Haiti. We must now move from the production of documents to the dissemination and appropriation of appropriate materials to allow people to know what behaviors to adopt in the event of risks to save lives," said Professor Jean Marie Théodate.

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