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iciHaiti - Heritage : The Art Center receives support from Bank of America
23/10/2019 09:39:32

iciHaiti - Heritage : The Art Center receives support from Bank of America
The Art Center (Le Centre d’Art), custodian of a unique artistic heritage of nearly 5,000 works saved from the rubble after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 with the support of the Smithsonian Institute https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1135-haiti-heritage-rescue-of-the-cultural-goods-of-the-center-of-art.html , received during a party organized at the Museum of Modern Art of New York. the support of Bank of America ​​for its new restoration project of the works in its collection.

The two-year restoration project for the Port-au-Prince Art Center's collection will benefit from the expertise of the Quisqueya University Cultural Property Conservation Center, the Smithsonian and member institutions from its scientific council, like the École du Louvre.

Note that this support is part of Bank of America's "Art Conservation Project" which provides funding to non-profit cultural institutions around the world to preserve works of art of historical or cultural significance, which may deteriorate.

In 2019 Bank of America ​​supports 22 cultural and museum institutions from 9 countries, including the Art Center (Haiti), the prestigious Louvre Museum (Paris), "Casa del Teatro" (Buenos Aires), "National Gallery of Art (Washington) ","Tate Museum" (London), "Museo de Arte Moderno" (Mexico) and the "Museum of Modern Art" (MoMA, New York).

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